Chrome OS Cherry MOD это сборка от Hexxeh, разработчика Chrome OS. Cherry MOD имеет множество преимуществ по сравнению с ОС по умолчанию. Она имеет небольшой размер 300 Мб. Она устанавливается на USB размером 1 ГБ в отличие от оригинального билда, который требует не менее 4 ГБ. В дополнение к этому, теперь она включает в себя поддержку Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi изначально был недоступен на Chrome ОС и по-прежнему остается недоступным. Он может быть включен путем копирования Wi-Fi прошивки от используемого по умолчанию Ubuntu, в папку, с Chrome OS. Chrome OS Cherry MOD может быть установлена для любого портативного компьютера, настольного или нетбука. Она доступна как файл образа, который можно записать на диск USB с помощью соответствующего инструмента. Системные требования Точной информации нету. "FAQ на английском" FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS! Please read these fully before asking me a question on Twitter as you may well find your question has already been answered. If not, feel free to ask away. ---------------------------------------- Q: Who are you? A: I'm a student who occasionally pretends he's a Web Developer/Programmer and works on various websites with people. ---------------------------------------- Q: Why are you doing this? A: Because I think Chromium OS is a cool idea, and I thought I'd fill a gap that hadn't been filled. ---------------------------------------- Q: How big a USB drive does this require? A: The brand new Diet (and subseqent versions unless you're told otherwise) version requires only a 1GB USB drive, compared to the 4GB the old version required. Magic, eh? ---------------------------------------- Q: What are the default username/passwords for this build? A: Default username is facepunch, default password is facepunch. ---------------------------------------- Q: Help, I can't get past the login screen becuse of a network error! A: Simply login with the details above and try and get your internet working, reboot and the settings will be remembered, allowing you to login with your Google Account as normal. ---------------------------------------- Q: I tried formatting my USB drive after trying this out and it's smaller than it was! What gives? A: You need to repartition your USB drive. Use the appropriate tool on your OS to create one large partition in place of the three small ones. (Windows: Disk Management, Mac: Disk Utility, Linux: fdisk) ---------------------------------------- Q: Help, it doesn't boot! A: Firstly, check your file downloaded properly. Then, try reimaging the image onto the USB drive and booting from it again. Try another USB drive if you can, and if it still doesn't work, it's your laptop that isn't compatible in all likelyhood. ---------------------------------------- Q: WiFi/some other component isn't working, can you help? Q: It runs really slowly, isn't this supposed to be super fast? A: Sadly not, the hardware support in ChromiumOS is really quite limited, but manufacturers are hard at working adding the changes needed to get it running smoothly. Try a new build as I post them and you may find it's working much better. ---------------------------------------- Q: Can I install this to my HDD/SSD? A: You sure can, but please be warned it will overwrite everything on the drive. I'm also not sure if this will work on those hybrid storage models. Press Control-Alt-T whilst logged in on the USB version, and then type /usr/sbin/chromeos-install and follow the prompts. Reboot to your HDD and you should have it installed. ---------------------------------------- Q: I'm getting the following error, what's up? "The server's security certificate is revoked!" A: This is a known bug with Chromium, and a way to fix it is simply to make sure the timezone setting in ChromiumOS is set to your correct timezone to match the system clock. ---------------------------------------- If there's anything I've missed here, just ask on Twitter and if it's a common issue I've forgotten I'll add it right in. Инструкция по установке Chromium OS на USB диск: "Инструкция для Windows:" 1. Скачать Image Writer для Windows и распаковать программу 2. Запустить программу и выберать образ ОС (ChromeOS-Cherry.img) и USB диск. 3. Нажать “Write” (Писать). Образ будет записан на USB диск. После этого можно загрузиться с USB диска. "Инструкция для Linux: " В терминале перейти в папку в которой находиться образ и набрать: sudo dd if=ChromeOS-Cherry.img of=/dev/X bs=4M где X – название USB Диска. По завершении выполнения этой команды, можно загрузиться с USB диска. CRC32: A6211192 MD5: D8235E7E0C8BFD7751D2B8907CC37655 SHA-1: 3D0939F8011438086FEF5DF742B85F53BF072897 ![]([img] Год выхода: 2009 Разработчик: Google, Hexxeh Сайт разработчика: Язык интерфейса: Английский Лекарство: не требуется